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《So High School》歌词

So High School - Taylor Swift
Lyrics by:Aaron Dessner/Taylor Swift

Composed by:Aaron Dessner/Taylor Swift

Produced by:Aaron Dessner/Taylor Swift

I feel so high school
Every time I look at you
每一次见到你 我都有这样的感觉
I want to find you in a crowd
Just to hide from you
And in the blink of a crinklin\' eye
I\'m sinkin\' our fingers entwined
我已沉浸其中 我们十指相扣
Cheeks pink in the twinklin\' lights
闪烁的灯光下 我们脸颊泛红
Tell me \'bout the first time you saw me
告诉我 第一次见到我时你有何感想
I\'ll drink what you think and I\'m high
From smokin\' your jokes all damn night
身边烟雾缭绕 你开着玩笑 我们彻夜无眠
The brink of a wrinkle in time
身处时间褶皱的边缘 光阴似箭
Bittersweet sixteen suddenly
I\'m watchin\' American Pie with you on a Saturday night
周六夜晚 我和你一起看《美国派》
Your friends are around so be quiet
你的朋友们就在旁边 所以别出声
I\'m tryin\' to stifle my sighs
\'Cause I feel so high school
Every time I look at you
每一次见到你 我都有这样的感觉
But look at you
但是 看看你
Are you gonna marry kiss or kill me
你会选择娶我 吻我 还是让我心碎一地
Kill me

It\'s just a game but really
虽然只是一场游戏 但说真的

I\'m bettin\' on all three for us two
关于我们的未来 三个选择我都下了注
All three

Get my car door isn\'t that sweet
为我打开车门 这举动是不是十分甜蜜
That sweet

Then pull me to the backseat

No one\'s ever had me not like you
Had me

Truth dare spin bottles
我们玩着真心话大冒险 转瓶子游戏
You know how to ball I know Aristotle
你球技高超 而我熟知亚里士多德
Brand new full throttle
崭新座驾 开足马力
Touch me while your bros play Grand Theft Auto
你的兄弟们在玩侠盗猎车手 而你我在一旁享受二人时光
It\'s true swear scouts honor
这是真的 我以童子军的荣耀发誓
You knew what you wanted and boy you got her
你清楚自己想要什么 男孩 你得到了她
Brand new full throttle
崭新座驾 开足马力
You already know babe
你早就知晓一切 亲爱的
I feel like laughin\'
In the middle of practice
Do that impression you did of your dad again
I\'m hearin\' voices like a madman
我耳朵里听到各种声音 像疯了一般
And in the blink of a crinklin\' eye
I\'m sinkin\' our fingers entwined
我已沉浸其中 我们十指相扣
Cheeks pink in the twinklin\' lights
闪烁的灯光下 我们脸颊泛红
Tell me \'bout the first time you saw me
告诉我 第一次见到我时你有何感想
I\'ll drink what you think and I\'m high
From smokin\' your jokes all damn night
身边烟雾缭绕 你开着玩笑 我们彻夜无眠
The brink of a wrinkle in time
身处时间褶皱的边缘 光阴似箭
Bittersweet sixteen suddenly
I\'m watching American Pie with you on a Saturday night
周六夜晚 我和你一起看《美国派》
Your friends are around so be quiet
你的朋友们就在旁边 所以别出声
I\'m tryin\' to stifle my sighs
\'Cause I feel so high school
Every time I look at you
每一次见到你 我都有这样的感觉
But look at you
但是 看看你
Truth dare spin bottles
我们玩着真心话大冒险 转瓶子游戏
You know how to ball I know Aristotle
你球技高超 而我熟知亚里士多德
Brand new full throttle
崭新座驾 开足马力
Touch me while your bros play Grand Theft Auto
你的兄弟们在玩侠盗猎车手 而你我在一旁享受二人时光
It\'s true swear scouts honor
这是真的 我以童子军的荣耀发誓
You knew what you wanted and boy you got her
你清楚自己想要什么 男孩 你得到了她
Brand new full throttle
崭新座驾 开足马力
You already know babe
你早就知晓一切 亲爱的
You already know babe
你早就知晓一切 亲爱的
