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《My Muse》歌词

My Muse - Owl City (猫头鹰之城)
Composed by:Adam Young

I remember when I saw you at the movies
And to me you were a stranger in the room
对于那时的来说 你只是与我素昧平生的陌生人
But to my surprise I met your eyes and that was when I knew
不过令我惊讶的是 在我与你目光交汇的那一刻我就明白
There\'s nowhere else I\'d rather be than here with you
除了陪在你身边以外 我哪儿也不想去
Yeah without a doubt I took you out for coffee
没有一丝疑惑 我带你一起出去喝杯咖啡
We sat for hours at a table made for two
And this is what I meant sweet one I spent the whole day talking to
这就是我的心声 我愿意花一整天的时间 与这位甜美的女孩肆意畅谈
There\'s nowhere else I\'d rather be than here with you
除了陪在你身边以外 我哪儿也不想去
I love the lightness in your laughter and the sparkle in your eyes
我喜欢你明朗的笑声 也喜欢你炯炯有神的目光
It doesn\'t matter if it rains or shines \'cause I\'ll be by your side
无论大雨倾盆还是阳光明媚 一切都无关紧要 因为我会陪在你身边
You\'re the fire I admire and you\'ll always be my muse
你是我崇拜的烈火 你永远是我的缪斯女神
There\'s nowhere else I\'d rather be than here with you
除了陪在你身边以外 我哪儿也不想去
It was all a blur then there we were at the altar
我们在站在圣坛之前 视线已模糊不清
You were mine and all my dreams were coming true
你成为我的专属 我的梦想变成现实
You know I meant it when I took your hand in mine
当我牵着你的手 郑重地说我愿意时
And said I do
There\'s nowhere else I\'d rather be than here with you
除了陪在你身边以外 我哪儿也不想去
But how the time does fly and years go by it\'s crazy
但时间飞逝 数载光阴弹指一挥间 多么不可思议啊
We both got sick and hurt and sad a time or two
But how I love you more and more and after all that we\'ve been through
但我对你的爱与日俱增 在我们经历过风风雨雨之后
There\'s nowhere else I\'d rather be than here with you
除了陪在你身边以外 我哪儿也不想去
I love the flowers in your footprints and the sparkle in your eyes
我喜欢在你脚印里绽放的花朵 也喜欢你炯炯有神的目光
It doesn\'t matter if it rains or shines \'cause I\'ll be by your side
无论大雨倾盆还是阳光明媚 一切都无关紧要 因为我会陪在你身边
For the record you\'re my treasure and you\'ll always be my muse
郑重声明 你是我的宝藏 你永远是我的缪斯女神
There\'s nowhere else I\'d rather be than here with you
除了陪在你身边以外 我哪儿也不想去
I\'m not one to worry much about the future
But because you\'re mine I got everything to lose
因为你是我的专属 哪怕失去一切也无妨
So I\'ll say it now before we\'re at the door
所以在我们来到门口之前 我想对你说
That someday we\'ll walk through
总有一天 我们会走过那扇门 步入婚姻的殿堂
And if I\'m the only one left in the room
There\'s nowhere else I\'ll rather be than home with you
只有和你在一起 我才能感受到家的温暖
I love the springtime in your spirit and the sparkle in your eyes
我喜欢你如春天般的美好心灵 也喜欢你炯炯有神的目光
It doesn\'t matter if it rains or shines \'cause I\'ll be by your side
无论大雨倾盆还是阳光明媚 一切都无关紧要 因为我会陪在你身边
I can say it you\'re my favorite and you\'ll always be my muse
我可以诉说心声 你是我的挚爱 你永远是我的缪斯女神
And I hope that in your heart you know it\'s true
There\'s nowhere else I\'d rather be than here with you
除了陪在你身边以外 我哪儿也不想去
