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《Learn How to Surf》歌词

Learn How to Surf - Owl City (猫头鹰之城)
Composed by:Adam Young

I spent the summer in Santa Cruz
And I met a blonde on beach with lots of quirky tattoos
我在海滩上遇见一个金发女郎 她身上有许多奇特的纹身
She had that old movie quote
We\'re gonna need a bigger boat
Two tiny waves on her toes and turtle tracks on her collarbones
脚趾上纹着两朵小小的浪花 锁骨上纹着乌龟的图案
I asked her what they meant
And this is what she said
You gotta go with the flow \'cause the tides always turnin\'
你必须顺应浪潮 因为潮水总是瞬息万变
And sink or swim divin\' in is the best way to learn
不论成败 全力以赴是最佳学习方法
Kick up the sand \'cause your tan proves you lived through the burn
用脚踢起细沙 因为你黝黑的皮肤证明你经历过烈日的炙烤
And when you wipe out it\'s gonna hurt
一不小心遭遇挫折 你会因此遍体鳞伤
You can\'t stop the waves but you can learn how to surf
你无法阻止汹涌的波涛 但你可以学会破浪前行
And by the way it\'s okay it could always be worse
顺便说一句 不必太在意 因为情况可能会变得更糟糕
Yeah when you wipe out it\'s gonna hurt
一不小心遭遇挫折 你会因此遍体鳞伤
You can\'t stop the waves but you can learn how to surf
你无法阻止汹涌的波涛 但你可以学会破浪前行
And I met a blonde on the beach with lots of quirky tattoos
我在海滩上遇见一个金发女郎 她身上有许多奇特的纹身
She had a shark on her arm a pirate shredin\' the gnar
她的手臂上纹着鲨鱼 还有海盗乘风破浪的图案
An octopus wearin\' shades and seagull wings on her shoulder blades
I asked her what they meant
And this is what she said
You gotta go with the flow \'cause the tides always turnin\'
你必须顺应浪潮 因为潮水总是瞬息万变
And sink or swim divin\' in is the best way to learn
不论成败 全力以赴是最佳学习方法
Kick up the sand \'cause your tan proves you lived through the burn
用脚踢起细沙 因为你黝黑的皮肤证明你经历过烈日的炙烤
And when you wipe out it\'s gonna hurt
一不小心遭遇挫折 你会因此遍体鳞伤
You can\'t stop the waves but you can learn how to surf
你无法阻止汹涌的波涛 但你可以学会破浪前行
And by the way it\'s okay it could always be worse
顺便说一句 不必太在意 因为情况可能会变得更糟糕
Yeah when you wipe out it\'s gonna hurt
一不小心遭遇挫折 你会因此遍体鳞伤
You can\'t stop the waves but you can learn how to surf
你无法阻止汹涌的波涛 但你可以学会破浪前行
Go with the flow
Then she said
When you\'re sad and you feel alone
当你伤心难过 感到孤独
Write \'em down all your worries and woes
Go with the flow
Then fold \'em up cork it shut and let that bottle go
然后将信纸叠起来放进瓶子里 塞紧木塞 将漂流瓶放进海里
And set your troubles afloat
She told me hey seize the day know the ocean by heart
她亲口对我说 珍惜每一天 用心去了解海洋
And if it don\'t float your boat learn to swim with the sharks
倘若你的小船无法漂浮起来 那就学会与鲨鱼一起遨游
Kick up the sand \'cause your tan proves you lived through the burn
用脚踢起细沙 因为你黝黑的皮肤证明你经历过烈日的炙烤
And when you wipe out it\'s gonna hurt
一不小心遭遇挫折 你会因此遍体鳞伤
You can\'t stop the waves
Yeah when you wipe out it\'s gonna hurt
一不小心遭遇挫折 你会因此遍体鳞伤
You can\'t stop the waves but you can learn how to surf
你无法阻止汹涌的波涛 但你可以学会破浪前行
And by the way it\'s okay it could always be worse
顺便说一句 不必太在意 因为情况可能会变得更糟糕
Yeah when you wipe out it\'s gonna hurt
一不小心遭遇挫折 你会因此遍体鳞伤
You can\'t stop the waves but you can learn how to surf
你无法阻止汹涌的波涛 但你可以学会破浪前行
