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Lyrics by:Tommee Profitt&Nate Feuerstein
Composed by:Tommee Profitt&Nate Feuerstein
Sduolc eht ni s'daeH
Calmly feel myself evolving
Appalling so much I'm not divulging
太可怕 好多事情我不愿透露
Been stalling I think I hear applauding they're calling
一再拖延 我想我听到了掌声 他们在呼喊
Mixtapes aren't my thing but it's been awfully exhausting
混音唱片不是我的菜 但我真的太累了
Hanging onto songs this long is daunting
一直做这么长的歌曲 真的不容易
Which caused me to have to make a call I thought was ballsy
Resulting in what you see today proceed indulging
最终结果就是你们今天看到的东西 继续放纵自己
As always the one-trick pony's here so quit your sulking
一如往常 还是只有一技之长 所以你们就别再生闷气了
Born efficient got ambition sorta vicious yup that's me
天生高效 野心勃勃 有点邪恶 没错 那就是我
Not artistic unrealistic chauvinistic not those things
没有艺术性 不切实际 大男子主义 没有这些东西
Go the distance so prolific posts are cryptic move swiftly
坚持到底 多才多产 文字神秘 行动敏捷
Unsubmissive the king of mischief
桀骜不驯 恶作剧之王
The golden ticket rare sight to see
金色奖券 极其罕见的人物
I stay committed embrace the rigid
我坚守承诺 拥抱那份执着
I'm playful with it yeah basically
基本上 我把这事儿当做游戏
Too great to mimic you hate you're bitter
太优秀 没人能模仿 你心怀怨恨 你愤愤不平
No favoritism that's fine with me
不偏袒 我觉得没问题
Create the riddles portrayed uncivil
制造谜团 扮演粗野之人
Unsafe a little oh yes indeed
有点不安全 没错 的确如此
It's plain and simple I'm far from brittle
简单明了 我一点也不脆弱
Unbreakable you following
坚不可摧 你是否要跟随
I'm Bruce Willis in a train wreck
我是火车事故中的Bruce Willis
I'm like trading in your car for a new jet
I'm like having a boss getting upset
'Cause you asked him for less on your paycheck
I'm like doing headstands with a broke neck
I'm like watching your kid take his first steps
I'm like sayin' Bill Gates couldn't pay rent
'Cause he's too broke where am I goin' with this
因为他太穷了 我这是要做啥
Unbelievable yes yes inconceivable
难以置信 没错 不可思议
See myself as fairly reasonable
But at times I can be stubborn so
但有时候我也会很固执 所以
If I have to I will rock the boat
如果有必要 我也会打破现状
I don't tend to take the easy road
That's just not the way I like to roll
What you think's probably unfeasible
I've done already a hundred fold a hundred fold
It's probable that I might press the envelope
Ideas so astronomical
Sometimes I find them comical
Yeah incomparable replay value phenomenal
无可匹敌 价值非凡
Beat selection remarkable slowing me down impossible
万里挑一 非同凡响 阻碍我的脚步 不可能的
I don't rock no Rollies
I don't hang around no phonies

I don't really got no trophies
I don't know why God chose me
I don't know
Got something in the cup ain't codeine
我的杯子里有好东西 但不是那种糖浆
Change my style they told me
Now they come around like "Homie"
Man y'all better back up slowly back up slowly
朋友 你们最好慢慢地退后 离我远点
Woo who are you kidding
How could you doubt me
I've always delivered
Ripping the teeth out of the back of my mouth's
The closest you get to my wisdom
See my initial thought was to way
But what can I say
I had to come visit
Check on you guys you doin' alright
看看你们这些人 你还好吗
Your year really sucked
Yeah that's what I figured
They cover they heads up whenever I drop
每当我发歌的时候 他们都把脑袋蒙起来
Shake the whole industry put 'em in shock
撼动整个行业 让他们都震惊不已
Come out the clouds like a meteor rock
像流星一样 穿过云层
Then land on the earth like "Ready or not"
然后落在地球上 准备好了吗
Ain't no one like me the cream of the crop
没人像我一样 我是精英
Don't even front better give me some props
不要装模作样 最好给我一点支持
I pick up your body and throw it a block
我扛起你的身体 然后把你扔出去
Okay I admit it that's over the top not
好吧 我承认 这有点过头了
Deer in the headlights looks every time I step my foot on the ground
每当我踏上这块土地 大家都像车灯照耀下的鹿一样 怔在原地
I get mistook for a lame with no weight to his name
Ground just shook let's not beat around the bush
地动山摇 我们不要拐弯抹角了
Even my B-sides throw 'em off like how's he do it
就连我自己都有点不相信 他怎么做到的
Some say I'm a great influence
有人说 我的影响力很大
I don't know about that but I did do the best I could
这我不知道 但我确实尽了我的全力
"Hollywood Hollywood
改变 改变
Hope Nate doesn't go Hollywood"
You think that you don't know me good
你这样想 你不是很了解我
You think that you don't know me good
你这样想 你不是很了解我
"Hollywood Hollywood
改变 改变
Hope Nate doesn't go Hollywood"
You think that you don't know me good
你这样想 你不是很了解我
You think that you don't know me
你这样想 你不了解我
I always advance say how I feel you know where I stand
我总是向前冲 我是什么感受呢 你知道我的立场
Raisin' the bar I gotta expand
提高标准 我得变强
Top of the charts I'm setting up camp
登上榜首 我要在此安营扎寨
Pound in my stakes I put up my tent
打好木桩 我开始搭帐篷
Shoot for the stars they fall in my hand
追求高远目标 它们会一一实现
Stick to my guns I don't even flinch
坚持我的立场 我绝不会退缩
Can push all you want ain't movin' an inch
随便你怎样做 我都不会有丝毫动摇
I rarely miss you know I'm relentless
我很少失手 你知道我是个无情的人
Ain't got a choice no way to prevent it
没有选择 无法阻挡
Just who I am and I don't regret it
我就是这样 我不后悔
See what I want and then I go get it
知道我想要什么 然后我就努力去追寻
Followed my gut I'm happy I did it
跟随我的内心 我很高兴我做到了
Beat all the odds I ain't got no limits
战胜所有困难 我的力量无极限
Cannot be stopped you payin' attention
无人可挡 你注意到没有
I ain't gotta say it they know where my head is
我不用多说 他们知道我多兴奋
They know where my head is
