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《Cozy Little Christmas》歌词

Cozy Little Christmas - Katy Perry

Lyrics by:Katheryn Hudson/Ferras Alqaisi/Greg Wells

Composed by:Katheryn Hudson/Ferras Alqaisi/Greg Wells

Everybody\'s in a hurry in a flurry shopping till their droppin in the snow
每个人都匆匆忙忙 手忙脚乱的 直到他们陷入雪地的快乐漩涡
Kids are crying dogs are barkin catching up with folks we barely know
孩子们吵吵闹闹 狗群叫嚣着去追赶我们完全不认识的人
Sure it\'s madness but it\'s magic as soon as you hang up the mistletoe
没错这样疯狂热闹的景象 只要你一挂上槲寄生 这神奇魔法就生效了
Cause you\'re the reason for the season no we don\'t need to keep up with the jones
因为有你 这冬日浪漫这圣诞佳节更加美妙 不 我们不需要跟上jones
Our love is something priceless
I don\'t need diamonds no sparkly thangs no oh oh oh oh
我不需要耀眼的钻石 不需要那些亮晶晶的饰品
Cause you can\'t buy this a feeling no oh oh oh oh
因为这种充满爱的感觉 千金难买
Nothing lights my fire or wraps me up baby like you do
没有什么像你一样 照亮我的心窝 暖暖地环抱着我
Just want a cozy a cozy little Christmas here with you
只想在这 和你过一个有点儿温馨的圣诞节
So Mr. Santa take the day off get a massage cause we got this one all under control
圣诞老人告假一天 做个舒服的按摩 因为一切都在掌控之中
A little whiskey we\'re getting frisky n slow dancing to Nat King Cole
来点儿威士忌 我们开始微醺 气氛活跃 伴着Nat King Cole的音乐曼舞
No we ain\'t stressin just caressing warming up our popsicle toes
暂别压力 只有热切的关怀 温暖我们冻成冰棍的脚趾
Nothing\'s missing cause you\'re a blessin yeah you\'re the only one I\'m wishing for
没有缺失的遗憾 因为你是上天赐予我的礼物 你是我唯一的奢求
Our love is something priceless
I don\'t need diamonds no sparkly thangs no oh oh oh
我不需要耀眼的钻石 不需要那些亮晶晶的饰品
Cause you can\'t buy this a feeling no oh oh oh
因为这种充满爱的感觉 千金难买
Nothing lights my fire or wraps me up baby like you do
没有什么像你一样 照亮我的心窝 暖暖地环抱着我
Just want a cozy a cozy little Christmas here with you
只想在这 和你过一个有点儿温馨的圣诞节
I don\'t need anything
Take back all the Cartier and the Tiffany and the Chanel
尽管拿走所有的卡地亚 蒂芙尼和香奈儿
Well can I keep that Chanel
不过 我能留着那个香奈儿吗
I don\'t need diamonds no sparkly thangs no oh oh oh
我不需要耀眼的钻石 不需要那些亮晶晶的饰品
Cause you can\'t buy this a feeling no oh oh oh
因为这种充满爱的感觉 千金难买
Nothing lights my fire or wraps me up baby like you do
没有什么像你一样 照亮我的心窝 暖暖地环抱着我
Just want a cozy a cozy little Christmas here with you
只想在这 和你过一个有点儿温馨的圣诞节
